Nicole Newhouse is the CEO of Solly Baby. She lives in Eagle, ID, with her husband and her daughter, Ella.
It’s no secret that babywearing can be a valuable tool in boosting your bond with baby. The minutes and hours spent nestled up heart to heart—soothed by each other’s beating chests and breathing in one another’s familiar scents—build your connection at warp speed, even as you wash dishes or tend to other siblings.
Wearing your baby in a wrap or carrier is also known to reduce infant crying by up to 43% (!), relieve gas and colic, reduce postpartum depression, and increase breastfeeding success and duration. All incredible and invaluable benefits that deserve to be shouted from the rooftops!
But there’s more to it than that. There’s a certain magic to babywearing that the studies don’t quite convey. It’s one of those things IYKYK, but if you don’t, you might not give babywearing much thought. But trust me, mama, it’s a level of life-changing you don’t want to miss.

Babywearing boosts your confidence.
And not just because you can use a long piece of fabric to affix baby to your body expertly. Or masterfully reach behind your head to connect a buckle between your shoulder blades. (Though those are impressive feats, indeed.)
Babywearing makes you feel like you know what you’re doing. Like you’re equipped to take care of your baby. (Which you are!) It’s like having the voice inside your head confidently whispering, “You’ve got this.” And that’s the assurance we could all use a little more of, right?
It’s rare to find a baby who doesn’t love being snuggled close to their mama, which means when you’re wearing them, they’re likely happy, content, and often dozy. Nothing will make you feel like you’re rocking your new role the way having your baby settled in and sleeping on your chest will—whether you’re at home tackling that mountain of laundry or strolling Target, adding things to your cart as casually as you do while online window shopping. (What is it about that place?)
Babywearing restores your freedom.
Being nap-trapped on the sofa is not the worst (so sweet! so cozy!) until it is (too much scrolling! need to pee! also hungry!). Imagine enjoying all the snuggles of a contact nap while being free to move about the cabin. Eat your lunch. Fetch the mail. Go to the bathroom. (It’s a maternal rite of passage to use the loo with a baby aboard.)
You can walk, do a light workout, or organize the pantry. The world becomes your oyster! Plus, because the baby has their No. 1 right there the whole time, they’ll likely maximize their nap time, so you might even get to that baby book hanging over your head.
Babywearing minimizes awkward social situations.
Maybe it’s cold and flu and RSV and every other bug season. Perhaps your baby has separation anxiety. Perhaps you have separation anxiety. It doesn’t matter the reason—if you’re not comfortable playing past the baby, you get to make that call, mama.
You can always tell Aunt Edna “no” when she reaches for your little cherub or ask the well-meaning stranger at the grocery to kindly not touch your baby’s face. But if you’d rather avoid the stressful scenario, babywearing is a solid bet. Just wrap your little one before arriving at the family gathering (or produce aisle), and be pleasantly surprised by how the subtle “hands off” message is universally understood.
Babywearing makes outings possible.
There’s that Target above trip. Coffee with your girlfriends. Dinner dates with your partner. All is made possible by the baby having you in close proximity (while still having your hands free to feed yourself). And since the baby will likely be content for longer, you might even find time to order dessert—or put back half the items in your shopping cart.
From a mobility standpoint, babywearing while you’re out and about is a no-brainer. From outdoor walks to visits inside favorite small shops, navigating uneven terrain or slipping through narrow aisles while babywearing is never an issue the way it sometimes is with an unwieldy stroller. Things like escalators and subway rides are easier, too, since there’s no need to locate an elevator or worry that it will be out of service.
Although it can seem intimidating at first—or like you have to be a certain kind of mom to do it—the truth is that babywearing is doable, accessible, and enjoyable for just about everyone. With the suitable wrap or carrier (it’s worth finding one you and baby both love), it can be a game-changer for that first year of parenthood and beyond.