Next-level gorgeous and kind beyond, mega-watt mama, model, and musician Cassie Ventura Fine, is expecting her second. Here, she shares the oh-sh*t-moment of finding out she was pregnant again, her workout routine between babies, trying for a VBAC, and one hope she has for the next generation. Plus, cool whip, naturally!

and The Everyday Nursing Bra

I’m feeling good. Overall this pregnancy has been easier than my first. I haven’t gained as much weight, and I’ve had far less back pain. I’m already seven months, due in March! I assumed it would go by slowly because we’re home due to the pandemic, but it went by really fast, surprisingly.
Path to pregnancy?
I’ve joked about this with my family, but I feel like I’ve been pregnant for nearly three years! I had a four or five-month window between the two pregnancies where I remember drinking wine and then back to being pregnant. Before COVID, I was casually talking to my doctor about birth control, but once the stay-at-home order went into effect, I was lax about going to the doctor because I didn’t don’t want to go out of the house unless necessary. Of course, I had no idea how fertile you are after having a baby, so I delayed. And, here we are, seven months later!
Finding out was definitely one of those oh-shit-moments! It was totally unexpected, but we’re so excited! I love that Frankie’s going to have a sibling super close in age. Plus, we’re home so much now anyway, and my entire house is all “baby,” so, in that sense, the timing is ideal. But after this, I need my body back for a minute before even considering another.

Recovery between babies?
Between pregnancies, I started training regularly, eating super clean, and I felt amazing. I was more fit after having Frankie than I was before getting pregnant with her. Everybody told me that I could get back in shape after having Frankie, but I didn’t believe them; I had gained 70 pounds! It’s truly incredible what our bodies can do.
Just after Frankie was born, my thyroid was off which was kept me from losing the weight. I felt so unhealthy and was frustrated. Finally, I consulted a doctor to regulate the thyroid. Based on my bloodwork, I began to follow an AIP diet (autoimmune protocol) to pinpoint what foods were causing inflammation. I learned that things like tomatoes are not good for me and the small act of removing them from my diet made a huge impact; I immediately saw results. Between monitoring my bloodwork monthly and Alex’s custom prenatal workout (link below), everything worked in tandem, and the weight started coming off.
Now that I’m pregnant again, I maintain a healthy diet wherein I’m not restricting myself, but I still avoid certain food that cause inflammation. And, of course, the key to it all…everything in moderation.

Craving, much?
Cool Whip, naturally! Actually, better yet, the other day I had Cool Whip with old-school Nilla Wafers.
What about wellness and working out?
With Frankie, I ate everything. Literally, whatever I craved, I ate. In contrast, with this one, I’m making smarter choices. I’m prioritizing eating salads with lots of protein (my doctor is adamant about protein). Plus, I walk in the hills around the house to get the blood flowing, and once in a while, I’ll work out with Alex in the gym, but I don’t do anything strenuous. And, of course, there’s running after Frankie everyday, the biggest workout of them all.
If your pregnancy were a song?
Hands down: Body by Megan Thee Stallion

Birth Plan?
I haven’t fully decided. With Frankie, I was so opposed to having a C-section before going into labor, but after struggling for two days, I ended up having to have one. With that, I got over my fear of having the surgery and learned that I could heal. This time, I was planning to try for a VBAC, but I’m not so sure as I get closer to the due date. I’m still weighing my options.
With the state of the world (and hospitals), there’s something to be said about knowing when I’m going to the hospital and going home. Either way, my top priority is that the baby is healthy and comes into the world stress-free.
Keeps you up at night?
Right now, I can’t imagine what it will be like to have two babies in the house. We have our little routine: we wake up, eat, play, nap, and I’m trying to wrap my mind around how it will be to add a new person to the mix. Everybody says, ‘it just falls into place.‘ But, like, for real, how does it work?
Also, recently Alex’s grandmother said to me, ‘You love Frankie so much, and you’re wondering how you could possibly love another baby in the same way?’ And, she was right, I think about this often. However, from what I gather, the love is infinite and different for each child. Another girlfriend of mine is pregnant with her fourth, and told me that you love all your children differently. Each baby taps into an unique aspect of your personality as a woman, almost as if they all have different moms. I love this concept and think it’s a beautiful way to look at it.

One hope for the next generation?
I hope there’s a massive social and emotional shift. I believe the next generation will be more sensitive, practical, and in tune with others. Plus, less selfish. Overall, I think they’ll be aware of not wanting to repeat our mistakes.
Any advice you can leave us with?
Prioritize time for YOU everyday. I find that even if I can grab 15 minutes to read alone or use a meditation app while Frankie is napping, I instantly feel recharged. Tending to my spirit helps me maintain balance in my home. As moms, it’s easy to spread ourselves thin, but I think that finding moments, even if they’re brief and or interrupted, is essential for your mental health. Truth is, I’ve never appreciated a hot cup of tea and a guided meditation more!