You know how – in theory – brands like Kenzo, Caramel and Burberry seem like great ideas for your little ones? That New Year’s pic? The special ’round the Christas tree ‘gram? That is, until you check the price and realize that when they’re not destroying their luxury duds, they’re busy growing out of them. Yes, luxury clothing for tots feels like a lose-lose proposition, but Kids o’Clock is seeking to change all of that by encouraging the circular economy movement into kids-wear.
Based in the UK, Kids o’Clock is a platform aimed at changing the way we see fashion for kids. Its mission? Taking a powerful, trustful community of families who are empowered to shift their habits and creating the consignor model with children’s clothing. After all, a kid will wear approximately 10 sizes in their first year, so the idea of buying new clothes at every turn isn’t just financially inane, but wasteful, too.
Kids o’Clock is compiling the best pre-loved looks for children from birth to their teens. Whether they love skateboarding or painting, or dancing or running. All styles, all ages – from one family to another. Becoming a parent doesn’t have to increase your footprint. Kids o’Clock is stylish, sustainable kids dressing, made easy.