Male PrenatalsMale Prenatals

Prenatal Vitamins for Men? Yep. It's a thing.

By Ronit Menashe | Photo Courtesy of HATCH

Did you know men account for 50% of pregnancy challenges and miscarriages? It makes sense when you think about it, but men’s health is often overlooked in the fertility narrative. 

When it comes to reproductive health, both partners play a crucial role. Investing in preconception, the time before you get pregnant is essential for both men and women. Research has shown that men significantly impact conception rates, miscarriages, and infertility cases. A man’s lifestyle and overall health can affect sperm quality, affecting pregnancy outcomes and future generations’ health. 

Selecting the right prenatal supplement is essential for both partners. Here, we will outline the key factors that make a great prenatal supplement for men and provide top recommendations to boost your chances of pregnancy and ensure optimal health for you and your future family.

Declining Fertility Rates

You have been living under a rock if you haven’t heard that fertility rates and sperm health have declined, with men today having 50% less sperm than their grandfathers. Various factors contribute to this decline, with environmental and lifestyle elements being the most significant culprits. Exposure to endocrine disruptors, sedentary lifestyles, poor nutrition, obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and prolonged exposure to EMFs have all been linked to reduced sperm quality.

Sperm Regeneration –  A window of opportunity: 

The good news is that a man can do a lot to improve their sperm quality. One of the incredible aspects of male fertility is the natural regenerative capacity of sperm cells. The human body produces fresh sperm every 60 to 70 days, providing a significant opportunity for men to improve their sperm health through dietary modifications and nutritional interventions. This is a huge opportunity for men to step up and ensure their contribution is good! 

Building Healthy Sperm

In addition to avoiding unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, drug use, and a sedentary lifestyle, ensuring adequate intake of vitamins and minerals with antioxidant properties is crucial for protecting against sperm damage before attempting to conceive. Taking therapeutic levels of specific antioxidants can help prevent further damage and neutralize existing damage. While obtaining these nutrients from whole, unprocessed foods is essential because of the additional benefits like fiber and phytonutrients; our toxin-filled environment suggests that most men would benefit from supplemental support.

Prenatal Supplements: A Game-Changer for Male Fertility

Prenatal supplements designed for men are emerging, promising to combat the decline in sperm quality. These supplements bridge nutritional gaps and provide essential nutrients for optimal sperm production and quality. By addressing nutritional deficiencies and supporting the biological processes involved in spermatogenesis, prenatal supplements offer a proactive approach to improving male fertility. Initiating the supplementation regimen at least 3-6 months before conception, during the preconception stage, is highly recommended for optimal results.

Here is what we look for in a prenatal for men: 

Several key nutrients are crucial for maintaining optimal sperm health.

Antioxidants: Numerous studies have shown that nutrients like L-carnitine, vitamins C and E, zinc, and more can significantly increase the chances of a partner conceiving by over four times and result in a five times higher chance of live birth compared to men not taking antioxidants.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supplementation has been shown to improve sperm concentration, motility, morphology, and DNA integrity. Men with lower CoQ10 levels tend to have a lower sperm count and poor motility.

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) reduces oxidative damage, improves antioxidant status, and enhances sperm quality. 

B Complex Vitamins in their methylated form: Research shows that proper levels of B vitamins improve sperm count, motility, and DNA quality. However, your body needs to utilize the B vitamins properly for this to work. Approximately 40% of the population has a variation in their methylation genes, making it difficult to process the synthetic form of B vitamins, especially folic acid. This has been linked to male infertility due to its negative impacts on sperm count and quality. Obtaining B vitamins from your diet is one way to ensure you are getting the active form of these essential nutrients.

Clean ingredient sources: It’s equally important to consider what’s NOT in a prenatal as what is included. Look for a non-GMO prenatal free of synthetic fillers, artificial colors, and major allergens like gluten, dairy, soy, and nuts. 

Third-Party Testing: The United States does not regulate supplements, which makes it crucial to purchase supplements that have undergone third-party testing. Third-party lab testing involves an independent organization evaluating, testing, and certifying a product’s nutritional values and contents. This process provides an unbiased verification of quality. These tests include verifying potency, checking for microbiological/bacteria contamination, and testing heavy metals. 

The Best Choice: 

WeNatal surpasses traditional prenatal supplements and offers a groundbreaking product intentionally formulated for both partners. With functional doses and bioavailable ingredients, WeNatal ensures optimal nutrient intake for men, supporting their reproductive health and overall well-being. The formula includes crucial fertility-supporting nutrients such as CoQ10, L-carnitine, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), zinc, methylated B-complex vitamins, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. WeNatal not only supports sperm count, shape, and motility but also offers benefits beyond fertility support, including improved libido, immune system support, cardiovascular health, enhanced mood, and energy levels, and reduced oxidative stress.

Choosing the best prenatal vitamin for him is vital for enhancing fertility and ensuring optimal reproductive health. While environmental and lifestyle factors contribute to declining fertility rates, proper nutrition and supplementation can significantly improve sperm quality. WeNatal, with its well-researched formula and holistic approach, stands as an excellent choice to support men’s reproductive wellness.

To learn more about WeNatal, visit their website and explore their complete ingredient list. Additionally, you can download their Free Couples Guide to Conception to embark on a shared path toward reproductive wellness.

Ronit Menashe is co-founder and CEO of WeNatal: the first prenatal vitamin designed inclusively for men and women. Ronit co-founded WeNatal after she and her husband were exposed to the lack of male fertility options through their own pregnancy journey.