If you’ve ever tried to have a baby, then you know that for some, it’s an easy, winning game, while for others it takes massive scheduling and calendaring and then often times, medical intervention. Wouldn’t it be great to know which category you fall into….in advance? Now, Everlywell, the at-home testing giant that offers access to diagnostic reporting for everything from food sensitivity to colon cancer screening is blowing our minds with its at-home fertility test. Your test results will provide detailed information on the five hormones – Estradiol, Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone and Total Testosterone, and whether your levels fall within established normal ranges to provide helpful insight related to common hormonal imbalances that can impact fertility.
“Hormone tests for fertility can cost hundreds of dollars at the doctor’s office and often are not covered by insurance,” says Shelley Gautam, RN and Consumer Science Liaison at Everlywell. “The five hormones measured on the Everlywell fertility test include many of the same hormones a physician would order at a fertility clinic. Having an affordable option like this gives many women the opportunity to start understanding their fertility without racking up hundreds or thousands of dollars in lab fees.”
Each lab Everlywell works with is CLIA-certified (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments), and tests are reviewed and approved by an independent board-certified physician within your state. This ensures that any test ordered is relevant to your health and wellness. Results are easy to understand, personalized to you and offer next steps based on your numbers. So you can know NOW what your path to babe could look like, before you get started.