pregnant woman with a belly sheet mask onpregnant woman with a belly sheet mask on

Postpartum Massage: What To Expect (After You're Expecting)

By Babe

Postpartum massage: It feels like it’s all the rage these days. But what exactly does that mean? 

Is it really necessary? Honestly, we think yes. 

Not only are there a ton of benefits to postpartum massage, but it’s a great way to relax after the stress of pregnancy and delivery. We think you absolutely deserve it. 

Want to know more? We’ve got all your questions about postpartum massage answered right here. 

What Is a Postpartum Massage?

Postpartum massage is a type of massage therapy that is specifically designed to help new moms recover after giving birth. It can be done anytime after delivery (as long as your doctor has cleared you to resume certain physical activities).

The massage focuses on the areas of the body that have been most affected by pregnancy and childbirth, such as the lower back, hips, abdomen, and shoulders.

Pregnancy and delivery can be incredibly tough on your body, and the purpose of a postpartum massage is to help ease your aching muscles and promote lymphatic drainage. It can also have mood benefits as well and is a fab way to relax and ease into your new postpartum body

Are Postpartum Massages Safe?

Postpartum massage is generally safe for new moms, provided you’re working with a trained and experienced massage therapist familiar with the specific needs and concerns of postpartum women. (If you aren’t sure how to find a trained postpartum massage therapist, reach out to your Ob/Gyn or another healthcare provider for advice.) 

Ask Your Doc

Consult with your healthcare provider before getting a postpartum massage, especially if you had any complications during delivery or any underlying health conditions that could be aggravated by massage.

Precautions To Consider

There are some precautions that your massage therapist might take to ensure your safety and comfort during the massage.

For example, they may use special positioning and padding to avoid putting pressure on your breasts if you’re breastfeeding. Or they may avoid massaging certain areas of your body if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort. Your massage therapist should also be aware of any medications or supplements you’re taking, as these can affect how your body responds to massage.

Overall, postpartum massage is a safe and effective way to support your postpartum recovery. Still, it’s always smart to talk to your healthcare provider and massage therapist to make sure that you’re getting the best possible care for your individual needs and circumstances.

What To Expect During a Postpartum Massage

If you ever received a prenatal massage (AKA our favorite hobby) during pregnancy, then you should pretty much know what to expect — the experience will likely be super similar. Receiving a postpartum massage is a wonderful experience, and can help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated after giving birth.

But what exactly should you expect walking into it? Here are some key features of a five-star postpartum massage: 

Comfortable Setting

You’ll typically receive your massage in a quiet, private room designed to promote relaxation. The massage table will be padded with pillows and blankets to make you as comfortable as possible, and soft lighting and calming music may be used to create a soothing atmosphere. (This is a great chance to break out your fave maternity joggers, FYI.)

Gentle Strokes

The massage therapist will use gentle, slow strokes to help you relax and release any tension in your muscles. They may use their hands, forearms, or even hot stones to help soothe your muscles and promote relaxation. 

Focus on Key Areas

The massage therapist will focus on areas of your body most affected by pregnancy and childbirth, including your lower back, hips, abdomen, and shoulders. They may use special techniques to help reduce swelling and inflammation, especially if you had a C-section.


Communicate with your massage therapist during the session if you feel uncomfortable or if a particular technique doesn’t feel right. Don’t hesitate to speak up. A top-notch therapist will be happy to adjust the massage to meet your needs and preferences.

Post-Massage Relaxation

After the massage is over, your therapist may offer you some time to relax and rest on the massage table. This is an excellent opportunity to take a few deep breaths, meditate, or just enjoy the peace and quiet before returning to the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Physical Benefits of Postpartum Massage

Even if it sounds relaxing, maybe you aren’t exactly convinced that you need to get a postpartum massage. Let us be the ones to convince you otherwise. Postpartum massage has many benefits. Getting one can be a crucial step in your self-care and recovery after giving birth. 

The benefits of postpartum massage are both physical and emotional. Physical benefits might include things like: 

Relieving Sore Muscles

Pregnancy and childbirth can be tough on your body, leaving you with sore muscles and persistent aches and pains. Postpartum massage can help to relieve sore muscles by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the affected areas, which can help to speed up the healing process. Bye-bye, achy back! 

Promoting Healing

Speaking of healing, postpartum massage can help to promote healing in the body by reducing inflammation and swelling, especially in areas where you may have had tearing during delivery. 

Sleep Quality

We all know that getting enough sleep can be a challenge for new moms, especially if you’re dealing with a fussy baby or complications from childbirth. Yet getting enough sleep is crucial for recovering from delivery and feeling your best.

Postpartum massage can help to improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety — get a massage and watch yourself catch the ZZs with ease.

Emotional Benefits of Postpartum Massage

Postpartum massage also has emotional and mental benefits too, such as: 

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

The first few weeks and months after giving birth can be an incredibly stressful and overwhelming time. Postpartum massage can help to reduce these feelings of stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and reducing tension in your muscles. Plus, having a designated amount of time to lie down and do nothing can help calm a stressed-out mama, too.

Boosting Mood and Emotional Well-Being

Postpartum massage can have a positive impact on your mood and emotional well-being by promoting the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

Making the Most of Your Massage

Getting a massage is an incredibly relaxing and enjoyable experience, but getting a postpartum massage takes those benefits up to the next level. Whether you’re a total newbie to the postpartum massage world or you’re a frequent flier, there are a few things you can do to maximize the benefits of your massage while minimizing the stress. 

First of all, you should definitely seek advice from your doctor before getting a massage and choosing a therapist. They’ll be able to help you find one that meets your needs and ensure that you’re making the safest choice for yourself. 

Second, investing in some at-home self-care products can really help you extend the massage experience and reap the relaxation benefits. For instance, massaging some quick-dry belly oil into your tummy post-massage is a lovely way to continue unwinding at home (and combat stretch marks while you do it). Or maybe a belly mask is more your speed – that’s an option, too!

Finally, the most important thing to remember about getting your massage is that this experience is all about YOU. Voice your needs and desires with your massage therapist, and don’t feel selfish for taking this time to yourself. You just birthed a whole baby, after all! You absolutely deserve it.
