pregnant woman with dog on exercise ballpregnant woman with dog on exercise ball

Designer Postpartum Workout Clothes: Must-Haves

By Babe

You came home from the hospital, the baby shower confetti is mostly out of the carpet, and the diaper boxes are in full use. You’re officially a mom of a whole other tiny person. Becoming a mother and meeting your little one are life-changing events, and you should take all the time you need to adjust to the new rhythms of your life. 

At some point, though — whether it’s a few weeks or many months — you might want to get back in the saddle. That might mean going back to work or restarting that home renovation project you’re so excited about. Or maybe it means heading back to the gym, the yoga studio, or your regular morning runs. 

Working out again for the first time postpartum can be scary. Your body has been through a lot. It isn’t going to feel the same as it did pre-preggo — and that’s OKAY! Take it slow, and do what you need to do to adjust to your new normal.

One thing that may help with this adjustment is investing in high-end workout clothes. It’s easier to motivate yourself to get that workout in when you look and feel good. High-quality clothes will provide the support that your body needs postpartum. And if you choose not to go to the gym, at least you’re comfy in clothes that work with you whether you’re working out or not. 

Keep reading for our complete guide to the designer postpartum workout clothes you need to get back into the fitness routine you’re used to. 

Staple #1: A Good Pair of Leggings

Frankly, we can’t imagine hitting the gym without a few good pairs of leggings to choose from. That’s true before, during, and after pregnancy. This is why we can’t live without these Ultimate Before, During and After Leggings from HATCH.

The bamboo-blend Ultimate fabric is both super soft and moisture-wicking (read: comfy enough to sleep in, breathable enough to work out in) and is also a C-section-friendly OEKO-Tex® certified material, meaning no rubbing or scratching on your sensitive tummy.

What we love most about these pants, though, is the gentle compression and supportive waistband that makes them perfect for newly postpartum bodies. You can pull them up over your tummy or tuck them under, whatever feels more comfortable, and the light compression helps hold everything together. When it comes to hitting the gym (or the brunch circuit) for the first time postpartum, this pair of leggings is the reassuring staple you need. 

Staple #2: Tops That Fit

Clothes shopping postpartum can be a bit… tricky. You can finally see your toes again, but your body doesn’t look quite like it used to, either. Finding the right postpartum workout clothes means looking for items that feel comfortable now and will STILL feel comfortable even once you’re through the fourth trimester.

For tops that meet those criteria, we recommend looking for high-end and comfortable tees, such as the Perfect Crew Tee 2-Pack. These tees are designed to fit a baby bump, making them super comfy and non-restrictive. Since they aren’t fitted, they’ll still look just as good on you sans baby weight. 

Other things to keep an eye out for are light, moisture-wicking materials, such as cotton and bamboo blends; OEKO-Tex-certified fabric; and white or black colorways — no pit stains (or breast milk leaks) here! Finding a few designer tops that fit comfortably AND make you feel good about getting back into your workout routine is a must, so don’t leave these off your shopping list.

Staple #2: Anti-Leakage Pads

If you’ve breastfed before, you know that no matter how regular your feeding schedule is, leakage happens. While this is completely normal (and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of!), dripping through your sports bra isn’t exactly conducive to getting back into a workout routine. 

Enter these Anti-Leakage Pads. Durable, super-absorbent, and made with mama and baby-safe OEKO-Tex-certified fabric, these pads are easy to slip into your sports bra (or any other bra) and let you focus on your lunge form rather than if you’re leaking. The neutral shades will blend in with your bra, and with the ultra-soft fabric, you can forget about chafing (we see you, sensitive nipples). 

So when you pack your gym bag, don’t forget to throw these in – trust us, they’ll be a lifesaver.

Staple #3: Compression Socks

Designer socks might not be the first item on your shopping list when it comes to postpartum workouts, but they should be. Thanks to increased blood volume, swollen ankles and feet are a normal part of pregnancy, and those symptoms can persist into the fourth trimester. A pair of high-end compression socks might be precisely what you need to soothe the swell and get back into your yoga routine.

Make Working Out Work for You

Workout clothes that you feel good in can go a long way in helping you get back onto the saddle post-baby. Another thing that helps is having a consistent gym routine or gym buddy to motivate you.

Sign up for pilates classes with a friend: If she’s going and you already paid for them, you’ll be much less likely to skip the workout. Or, create a routine that you really enjoy, such as going to your favorite coffee shop or lunch spot right after your workouts. There’s nothing wrong with using a reward system to get you where you want to be!

However, equally as important is listening to your body during this time. Labor and delivery are no joke. Eager as you might be to get back to your usual gym routine, pay attention to how you feel and what your body is telling you. You may have to take it slower than usual or take more days off, and that’s okay! 

Your body has been through a lot — treat her with care. The designer workout clothes aren’t going anywhere, we promise.
