pregnant woman kneeling on a bedpregnant woman kneeling on a bed

Pregnancy Brain: Is It A Real Thing?

By Babe

Welcome to the world of pregnancy brain, or as we affectionately call it: “Why did I just put my phone in the fridge?” syndrome. 

For those unfamiliar with the term, pregnancy brain is the alleged culprit behind those moments of forgetfulness often reported by our expecting comrades. Symptoms might start to show up in the first trimester, and they don’t seem to care much about leaving once the stork has made its delivery.

As you tackle this magical rollercoaster called pregnancy, you may find yourself asking, “Is pregnancy brain a reality, or just another myth that’s been passed down through generations — like the one about the stork?” We’re here to unravel this mystery together.

What Is Pregnancy Brain?

Let’s untangle this maternal mystery, shall we? Pregnancy brain, aka “momnesia,” is a term often thrown around to explain those “oops” moments experienced by women during prenatal and postpartum periods. It’s like your brain suddenly decides to take a mini vacation, leaving you at the mercy of absentmindedness and occasional brain fog. 

Some ladies report forgetting appointments, misplacing their keys, or even — gasp — forgetting the pizza in the oven! Most often, these quirky episodes start their performance in the first trimester and decide to stick around for an extended tour post-baby.

What Causes Pregnancy Brain?

Now, who or what do we pin the blame on for these bouts of forgetfulness? Read on for a closer look at what causes these memory lapses.

Hormonal Shifts

The hormonal circus that sets up camp when you’re expecting could be a likely suspect. The levels of estrogen and progesterone in your body skyrocket during pregnancy, throwing more balls into the juggling act of your body’s processes.

Sleep Deprivation

Another potential culprit could be sleep deprivation. With the baby practicing gymnastics at 2 AM, those recommended eight hours of sleep a night start to look like a mythical concept. And anyone who’s pulled an all-nighter knows that lack of sleep and forgetfulness are best buddies.

Physical Changes

Physical changes during pregnancy also deserve a shout-out here. As your body prepares for the big show, it’s busy sending resources to support the baby’s development, and the brain might not be getting its usual VIP treatment. 

And let’s not forget the growing belly that’s taking up more and more of your visual field. If you can’t see your feet, remembering where you put your phone might be a bit of a stretch!

What Does the Research Say About Pregnancy Brain?

Did you know that your brain function has a backstage pass to the hormonal gig during pregnancy? Researchers suggest that hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and oxytocin cause changes in your neurons, influencing your brain structure and functionality. 

Evidence from a study by Hoekzema et al., published in Nature Neuroscience, shows that women’s brains undergo significant changes during pregnancy. Gray matter in certain areas of the brain that are involved with social cognition can actually decrease in pregnancy. But don’t worry — this isn’t about losing brain power; rather, it’s believed to be a fine-tuning process preparing you for the grand adventure of motherhood.

Memory Lapses and Multitasking Mayhem

Speaking of adventures, the quest for the lost car keys continues. Memory problems and a potential decline in cognitive function during pregnancy is still a topic under debate among scientists. 

While some women may experience short-term memory lapses, others could emerge from their pregnancies with their recall abilities intact. So if you’ve been misplacing your belongings more often, don’t rush to self-diagnose with pregnancy brain — chances are, it might just be the extra multitasking that’s clouding your memory.

Comparing Cognitive Function

But how does the brain function of pregnant women stack up against non-pregnant women? Most studies suggest that the memory loss and absentmindedness experienced by pregnant women are typically mild and not a universal experience.

In fact, some studies show that pregnancy might actually enhance certain areas of cognitive function. So, if you’ve got a bun in the oven, you might also be baking up a few extra brain skills.

The Postpartum Period and Pregnancy Brain

Is the postpartum period just a curtain call for pregnancy brain symptoms? The jury’s still out on this one. While some new moms might sail into their post-birth life without any lingering brain fog, others report the symptoms sticking around during breastfeeding or even longer. 

It doesn’t help that the postpartum period is a notorious period for sleep deprivation and mood swings.

What Your OB-GYN Might Say

Wondering what the healthcare perspective on this baby brain debate is? Most OB-GYNs acknowledge the experiences of pregnant women, pointing to hormonal changes, stress, and lack of sleep as potential reasons. They also reassure that these are typically mild and temporary, so there’s no need to worry about flunking your future crossword puzzles.

Final Verdict: Is Pregnancy Brain Real?

So, is pregnancy brain a myth or reality? Well, the scales seem to tip a little bit in both directions. On the one hand, there’s scientific evidence pointing towards changes in the woman’s brain during pregnancy. 

On the other, these changes don’t necessarily translate into significant cognitive impairment for every woman. Each pregnancy journey is unique, and the effects of pregnancy on the brain are no exception.

Tips To Help Manage Pregnancy Brain

While pregnancy brain fog may make your daily life a bit more adventurous, there are certainly ways to keep it under control. Here are some tips to help you navigate through the mist.

Stay Organized

Keep your belongings in designated spots and make lists for tasks and appointments. It’s not rocket science, but it works!

Nutrition is Key

A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can do wonders for your brain function. Bonus: it’s great for your baby’s development, too!

Physical Activity

Regular exercise can help keep your cognitive function in tip-top shape. So take that daily stroll around the block and keep up with your prenatal yoga sessions.

Belly & Body Bath Soak

Indulge in some self-care with our Belly & Body Bath Soak. Not only does this heavenly soak offer a much-deserved break, but the essential oils might help keep your mind sharp and alert.

Catch those Zzz’s

Prioritize sleep as much as possible. If the baby’s gymnastics are keeping you up, try napping during the day or investing in a pregnancy pillow for added comfort.

Prenatal Massages

Let’s not forget the magic of prenatal massages. They’re not only relaxing, but they can also help reduce feelings of stress, which in turn can help clear up any brain fog.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Take a moment each day for mindfulness or meditation. Not only can it help you stay grounded during your pregnancy, but it can also enhance your cognitive function.

Stay Hydrated

A dehydrated brain is a forgetful brain. Keep your fluids up, and your brain might thank you by remembering where you put your keys!

Engage in Brain-Boosting Activities

Just as you might work out to keep your body in shape, consider activities like puzzles, reading, or learning a new hobby to keep your brain agile and alert.

Wrapping Things Up

Whether you’re wrestling with forgetfulness or marveling at your new-found multitasking prowess, it’s important to remember that pregnancy is a rollercoaster ride full of changes — both physical and mental. It’s a transformative journey that shapes you in more ways than one. And hey, if you can grow a human being, a few memory lapses aren’t going to hold you back, right? 

So here’s to embracing the momnesia and powering through with humor, patience, and a whole lot of love for the adventure that awaits.

Ready to navigate the twists and turns of motherhood? Journey over to Babe by HATCH for more essential resources and support.
