Pregnant with her first and loving every second of it, join us as Gabby shares her three year journey to pregnancy, why healing her gut changed her life, plus her spiritual and practical tips to getting pregnant. @gabbybernstein

Current state of mind?
I’m due on Christmas Day! The baby is head down (which is excellent news) and I’m finally slowing down. My feet hurt and my calves hurt, but in general I’m blessed and feel incredible! Overall, it’s been a beautiful and enjoyable pregnancy.
What was your journey to pregnancy?
For two years I actively tried to get pregnant plus a third year wherein I committed to taking care of myself before trying again. Within that time spent trying I felt a lot of shame, struggle, and sadness, however, in retrospect, I’m so glad that it didn’t happen a day sooner. In hindsight, the timing was miraculous. The truth is, I now have my life set up in a way that I didn’t have two or three years ago, everything from my marriage to my team and business is in a much better place versus when we first started trying. The very fact that I can take time off now, stress free, would never have happened a few years ago when I didn’t have my team set up, and my husband wasn’t as on board as he is now. Mind you, with all of that said, it’s hard to take that perspective in the moment because you want, what you want, when you want it, however, there’s often a timeline guided by the universe that’s better than yours. I recently spoke on Oprah’s Super Soul Sessions about this topic and my conception journey which you can watch here.
On the power of gut health?
I believe a lot of women struggle to get pregnant when they have gut issues and don’t realize it. Right before I got pregnant, I realized that I had an overgrowth of gut bacteria likely caused by stress. I went on a series of antibiotics and then a six month strict food protocol, wherein I went KETO and cooked every single meal for myself to heal my gut and keep the bacteria at bay. Of course, immediately after, I got pregnant. I believe my gut inflammation and stress had everything to do with my pregnancy challenges leading up to conceiving. The issue is that most people don’t know they have this condition and instead diagnose with IVF. Since my condition was mainly caused by stress, I also healed through a zero stress policy and went into hibernation to actively care for myself. Of course, the greater miracle and beautiful message here is not that I got pregnant but rather that I learned how to mother myself. Check out more detailed information on Gabby’s blog here.
What have you been eating?
My digestion has never been better throughout my pregnancy! I’ve been eating pretty much the way I always do, and I didn’t change my diet all that much, outside of eating a bit more calories. My food of choice is hot sauce, and I crave Tabasco Sauce! In general, I’ve been a little more lenient when it comes to gluten, plus, I’ve been eating dairy which I wouldn’t typically do, but it just feels right to me, but I’ve stayed off sugar.

Have you been working out?
I’ve been doing a lot of low impact exercise with Fit Pregnancy Club, FPC. Plus I do to yoga, walk, and go to Pilates.
Wellness throughout pregnancy?
I’ve been unapologetically taking care of myself in general with acupuncture, plus a pregnancy massage.
Are you taking maternity leave?
I remember looking forward to a moment when I’d be able to take off a significant amount of time, and it’s incredible to think that I’m finally able to do it! I’m excited to have this break to nurture myself and my baby. I’ve worked hard my entire life in a constant state of over achieving, it will be a blessed time wherein I can simply be. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m under no misconception that I won’t be working, it will just in a different way…I’ll be feeding a human

What’s your experience been sharing your pregnancy with your social media community?
It’s been fantastic! Throughout this process, I have been forthcoming about pregnancy challenges, therefore, my community has been rooting for me. It’s funny because I first posted about my pregnancy on social media two weeks after I announced it live on stage in London. I was about 15 weeks along and could have said something, but didn’t plan to, when, out of nowhere, a woman from the audience said that she was praying for me to get pregnant. I took that as my cue, looked at her and said: “I am pregnant!” The audience went wild in celebration; it was perfect!
I have been talking about my pregnancy a bit on social media, and I share a few things here and there as it’s what I’m going through, but I’m careful not to flaunt it. However, after my son is born, I don’t plan on posting too much about it, as it doesn’t seem fair to him considering we don’t know the magnitude of all of this.
Advice to women trying to get pregnant…
Step 1:
Take your hands off the wheel through prayer
Step 2:
Appreciate what’s thriving
Step 3:
Recognize that obstacles are detours in the right direction
Step 4:
Ask the Universe for a sign
Step 5:
When you think you’ve surrendered, surrender more
Plus, my practical advice:
Get your gut in order, eliminate stress, and be clear!