pregnant woman in bedpregnant woman in bed

CBD During Pregnancy: is it safe?

By Babe

It seems like it’s everywhere these days: CBD-infused gummies, CBD oils, and lotions; you can even get CBD-infused edibles and drinks! Stores and brands have capitalized on the relaxing effects of CBD, and we honestly can’t blame them. When used smartly, CBD can be a great tool to ease various ailments (more on that later).

But what about when you’re expecting? After all, there’s probably no other period of time during which you’ll experience more random ailments, aches, and pains. However, using CBD during pregnancy might not be so easily recommended. 

Let’s talk about all things CBD and the questions you might want to ask your healthcare team. 

What Are CBD Products?

If you hear CBD and immediately think of a certain sometimes-illegal drug, you’re on the right track… sort of. CBD, or cannabidiol, is extracted from the cannabis plant. However, CBD doesn’t contain any tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive ingredient that gets you high.

So while CBD does come from the cannabis plant, it’s not actually marijuana — it won’t get you high. It can also be extracted from the hemp plant, which is another variation of cannabis containing less than 0.3% of THC (AKA, no high).

You can think of CBD as, say, your comfiest pair of maternity jeans, while marijuana is more like a jean jacket. They might both be made out of denim, but they serve very different purposes.

What Does CBD Do?

Like we talked about earlier, CBD has been gaining a ton of popularity in recent years as an extract, oil, and additive in a huge variety of products. CBD has been touted as a cure for insomnia, anxiety, muscle pain and headaches, chronic pain (such as arthritis), and even addiction.

While some of the hype around CBD could be marketing fluff, some research and animal studies support its benefits in managing some health conditions. For one thing, CBD has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat two forms of epilepsy via the prescription oil Epidiolex.

There’s also some research supporting the use of CBD for other conditions, including:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Inflammation and neuropathic pain, which can lead to chronic pain
  • Anxiety
  • Tobacco addiction

The research supporting these health and wellness benefits is preliminary and based partly on subject self-reports. It looks pretty good! In the meantime, scientists are still doing more research to rule out things like the placebo effect for all of the potential benefits of CBD use. 

In other words, totes go ahead and buy that CBD-infused hand lotion — just maybeee don’t expect it to work a miracle. The future of CBD is promising but needs much more research before we can say for certain how effective it actually is.

CBD and Pregnancy

CBD use gets a little more vague when talking about pregnancy. There’s not much research done on this particular subject; lots of people have lots of different opinions.

For example, the FDA advises against using CBD and any other cannabis products during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This recommendation is mostly due to a lack of research regarding its impacts on a developing fetus, specifically on brain development. In addition, some researchers speculate that CBD can impact breast milk, leading to CBD exposure for your newborn.

During pregnancy and through lactation, your baby eats what you eat. CBD might be beneficial for the rest of us, but for a baby in belly, the effects might be different, especially with high doses of CBD.

Pain in Pregnancy: What To Do

As you’re likely painfully aware, there’s rarely a time in life when we experience more aches, pains, and insomnia than during pregnancy. This is the opportune time to ring your OBGYN or care team and ask what your pain-fighting plan is. 

But even without CBD, you still have many options for managing the random pains and ailments of pregnancy. Let’s talk about it.

If You’re Struggling With…


Insomnia and other problems with sleeping are super common during pregnancy. Drastic hormonal changes, as well as the discomfort of trying to sleep around a baby bump that seems to take up the entire room, can make sleepless nights a much more frequent occurrence than we’d like.

If this sounds all too familiar, you might be wondering if you can pull out your trusty sleep medications from before the bump. It’s unfortunately not a clean-cut answer; some sleep medications are safe, and others not so much.

If you’re going without your CBD, that doesn’t leave you high and dry on restless nights — you still have a number of options.

Some sleep aids, such as those in Benadryl, are generally considered safe to use while pregnant, although most docs recommend against relying on this type of medication for more than a short-term fix.

Some experts say that a safer option would be to create habits that promote good sleep, such as making exercise a part of your daily routine, going to sleep and getting up at the same time each day, or creating a relaxing nighttime routine to prime your body for bed.

Invest in a few pairs of cozy maternity PJs, brew some relaxing tea, and meditate or journal before bed — you might be shocked by how much of a difference having a routine can make in catching those ZZZs.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs are an all-too-common pregnancy symptom and can majorly impact the amount of sleep you’re getting. For some, CBD can help soothe this annoying occurrence. 

While pregnant, some experts prefer to tell women to try taking a prenatal vitamin with folate, iron, and magnesium each day. Research has shown that vitamin deficiencies may contribute to restless legs syndrome.

Shoring up your supplement lineup with these vitamins may help cut down on the amount of time you spend tossing and turning each night. (Of course, always be sure to talk to your Ob/Gyn or another healthcare provider before adding any new supplement to your diet.)

Other non-CBD aids for restless legs syndrome include alternating hot and cold treatment on the area (try ice baths and hot compresses). Additionally, compression socks or ointments may help reduce pregnancy-related swelling and keep your legs feeling good. 

Give these strategies a try, and remember you can always talk to your Ob/Gyn about your restless legs — you deserve a good night of sleep!


Pregnancy is a totally magical time of life, but it can also be totally overwhelming — trust us, we’ve been there!

Whether you’ve experienced anxiety before or you’re a newbie, know that anxiety during pregnancy is very common. After all, you’re preparing for a massive change in pretty much every part of your life; it makes sense to be a little unsure about that.

Anxiety is a complex condition, and treating it requires an equally complex understanding of your individual circumstances. Many people use CBD to aid anxiety and other mental health struggles, but treating anxiety is never one-size-fits-all — especially for pregnant women.

Instead, we recommend scheduling an appointment to talk to your Ob/Gyn or healthcare provider about what you’re experiencing. They might be able to provide solutions or help you find a licensed therapist who can.

In the meantime, try incorporating some self-care into your day. You might be shocked by how much of a difference 15 minutes of meditation or journaling can make in helping you ground yourself and let go of your anxious thoughts.

Other forms of self-care include exercising — try a relaxing prenatal yoga class — and relaxing rituals, such as a warm bath with your favorite bath soak or brewing tea and sipping on it while you read a good book.

These little rituals can help you stay calm and grounded while you’re waiting to get a more long-term solution from your healthcare provider.

The Bottom Line

Okay, we’ve covered a bunch of ground – let’s review. CBD is an extract from the cannabis plant, which is also the plant that marijuana comes from. CBD contains no THC, so unlike marijuana use, it doesn’t get you high. Instead, some preliminary research has shown that cannabinoids may have relaxing benefits useful for easing anxiety, inducing sleepiness, chronic pain relief, and addiction. 

Currently, there isn’t enough research on the effects of CBD on a developing fetus, so healthcare experts are divided on whether it’s safe to use during pregnancy.

However, there are other pregnancy-safe solutions out there to help you get through the next nine months, including regular exercise, pregnancy-safe over-the-counter medications, self-care practices, and help from medical professionals. 

This is such a special and important time of your life, and you deserve to feel your absolute best for it. Whether you’re dealing with restless legs, anxiety, trouble sleeping, or other pregnancy woes, there’s a solution out there for you – we promise! 
