Sunshine girl and total vision, Cait has serious California vibes. With the lingering scent of sea salt on her sun-kissed skin, the esthetician and founder of Maluhia Moonstone, a lux moonstone infused oil (for the ultimate beachside glow!) is about to have her first with her BFF/husband. Here, she shares why she went vegan two years ago, what they’re doing to prep for baby (including save money!), her plans to raise their son plant-based, and sex while pregnant!
How have you been feeling?
Overall, I’ve felt really good the entire time. In the first trimester, I had a bit of nausea but throughout the 2nd and 3rd that subsided and I’ve never felt better.
Wellness throughout?
I went to a chiropractor and acupuncturist which has kept my energy levels really high. Plus, I’ve kept to a plant-based healthy diet, drink a ton of water, and I do a lot of walking to avoid pregnancy workout classes 😉
I never once threw up, I drank lots of water and ginger was my life stave.

Plant-based? Is that how you typically eat?
I’ve been a full vegan for about two years. For most of my life, I have been dairy-free as I’m allergic to it and even as an infant, my mom had me on rice formulas and soy milk. But now I don’t eat anything from an animal be it eggs, butter, ghee, dairy, or fish. I was never the type that would order a dinner that was meat based anyways, so it wasn’t a big sacrifice — but I do miss sushi! My go-to for most of my meals have been protein, rice, and veggies
As an adult, I struggled with skin issues like acne and exisami. I tried everything under the sun and nothing helped with these issues. I was also finding the more people I spoke to that looked amazing with glowy skin said they were vegan or vegetarian which made me look into it. Since I’ve always been an animal lover anyway and never LOVED eating meat, I decided it was time to give it up. Almost immediately my skin cleared up, my exaima was gone, I naturally lost a bit of weight and in general, I just feel better.
Any crazy cravings?
I try to be good, but once and a while I succumb to my cravings! I definitely have been craving more carbs, and have been reaching for vegan pizza, pasta, and donuts. I’ve been trying to stay away from gluten even when I splurge on these carbs as gluten while tastier makes me feel terrible afterward and really affects the way I look too. It’s significant the difference. If I eat regular pasta vs gluten free, the next day I am noticeably puffy.

How are you prepping for the baby?
Lots of budgeting and home cooking! We try to eat mainly at home, for health reasons and to save money. As we get older we have been trying to create and stick to a budget instead of spending paycheck to paycheck. When I actually calculate how much I’m spending on ordering a coffee every day it really adds up! On the weekends we splurge, go get coffee out and eat a great meal, but during the week we try to eat at home plus I bring a snack, lunch, and protein shakes to work with me.
Will you raise your son a vegan?
We’re planning to raise our son on a plant-based diet as well. Both my parents and husband are vegetarians too, therefore we would have to go out of our way to make meat for him considering no one in the family eats this way. As he gets older he can decide to eat meat if he gets curious or if he wants to stay plant-based, but initially this is how we’re planning to raise him.
What was your road to pregnancy?
We’re so lucky! We had heard so many stories that it could take months and my OB told us on average it takes couples about a year to conceive. Therefore we had it in our heads that it would take a while and then bam three months after we got married we were pregnant! We were very blessed and excited!

Do you have a birth plan or na?
I’m due in two weeks but he’s breech right now so he might be joining us early! They’re giving him another week to put his head down, and if he doesn’t turn then we’ll have a C-section as I’m not a candidate for Breech Vaginal Birth. Based on how he’s positioned in my pelvis, I’m at risk for umbilical cord compression. It’s so unpredictable, I could go into labor tonight, or he could turn head down and not come for another three weeks. Who knows at this point!
Will you take maternity leave?
I’m about to go on maternity leave from my skincare oil line as I make all the oils by hand, pack, and ship from my house. Right now, I’m winding down and am in full-on nesting mode in preparation for our son’s arrival.
Sex while pregnant?
YA! I was worried it was going to be weird for me, but it’s been super normal actually. Obviously position-wise it has changed but for the most part, it’s been great and nothing has been painful, awkward, or weird between us.

What is moonstone oil?
I make a moon-stone infused oil that is a multi-purpose cold press rose-hip oil full of antioxidants and vitamin C for hair, skin, and body. I infuse it with moonstone — which you either believe in the power of crystals or you don’t–which are considered to possess divine feminine energy that’s said to be healing and connected to fertility. I sell direct-to-consumer and have a handful of stockiest around the country from Hawaii to NYC. Originally I was a licensed esthetician in the cosmetic surgery works, which I’ve taken a leave from to go the more natural organic route. Funny enough I launched Mahulia Moonstone just before I got pregnant, so I kind of have two new babies at once!
Nanny or no?
My parents recently moved down here from Chico, a small town in northern California where I grew up, and my husband’s family lives in Santa Barbara, so we’re planning to go the family route and take advantage of our parents being so close. We’re super close, so it feels right to have them around to help, plus it’s free and trusted!
What are you most looking forward to in new motherhood?
I’m so excited for the moment that I get to hold him for the first time as I can’t imagine how I can love this little human any more than I already do.

What’s your pregnancy style?
Your jumpsuit! I live in the Holly Jumper; it’s been a lifesaver for going out, looking cute and actually having people compliment my outfit. I’m at that stage where even leggings are uncomfortable and I don’t want anything touching my body.
Any advice….
I’ve found that when I let go, don’t over analyze or stress about anything, all the things fall into place. From trying to conceive to being pregnant I’ve resolved that you can take two routes to anything, either the “high strung stressed out approach” or the “deep breath learn from the experience” route. The latter, in my experience, is generally the better course and leads to a positive mindset. I’ve seen it work wonders for myself. Pregnancy has been so wonderful for me that it makes me want 500 babies, which most definitely freaks my husband out!