pregnant woman eating a picklepregnant woman eating a pickle

Pregnancy Cravings: And How To Deal

By Babe

Picture this: It‘s your second trimester. You’re in the grocery store, strolling in your iconic maternity jumpsuit, putting items into your cart, when all of the sudden, you have the most intense craving for… pickles? Welcome to the world of pregnancy cravings.

These fixations on seemingly random foods may feel alarming, but the truth is that they are totally normal and generally not a cause for concern.

Keep reading for answers to all of the questions you may have about your newfound spicy foods obsession.

What Are Pregnancy Cravings and Why Do They Occur?

Pregnancy cravings come in all shapes and sizes. You may develop intense cravings for specific foods, like Flaming Hot Cheetos or mashed potatoes. Or you may find yourself longing for odd combinations of foods — pickle sundae, anyone?

Over half of all pregnant women experience cravings, which means welcome to the club; we’re glad to have you here. Pregnancy cravings can include any type of food, from red meat to green beans.

Some of the most common pregnancy cravings are:

  • Salty foods, like fast food and chips
  • Chocolate, ice cream, and cookies
  • Lemons
  • Peanut butter
  • Red meat
  • Cheese and other dairy products
  • And, of course, pickles

Whatever you’re craving, the important thing is that you don’t shame yourself for what you’re experiencing. You are literally growing a new human in your body, after all. It’s no wonder things go a little haywire in there!

We aren’t exactly sure why pregnancy cravings occur. During pregnancy, your body is undergoing a vast amount of physical and hormonal changes, and it’s tricky to pin down what exactly causes this particular pregnancy symptom.

Some theorize that pregnancy cravings are your body’s way of trying to balance blood sugar, while others think that your cravings can point to specific nutritional needs. For instance, a craving for cheddar cheese could indicate a calcium deficiency, but the science is still ongoing.

The jury’s still out on what exactly causes cravings during pregnancy. But we do know that they’re very common and usually not a cause for alarm.

When Will I Get Pregnancy Cravings?

Pregnancy cravings can begin at any point in a pregnancy, including in the first trimester. Some women develop cravings alongside morning sickness or even before they know they are pregnant.

Most of the time, cravings develop and peak in intensity during the second trimester before declining in the third trimester. Occasionally, pregnancy cravings may persist into the postpartum period.

Keep in mind that every woman is different, and your experience with pregnancy cravings doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s to be normal and healthy.

What if I Start Craving Non-Food Items?

Picture yourself in the grocery store aisle again. You’re planning your meals for the week, but instead of craving pickles, you can’t stop fantasizing about eating… chalk?

Your taste buds feel like they’re on strike, but this could just be a heads-up from your brain that your body needs something specific.

Some mamas-to-be experience cravings for non-food items, such as:

  • Chalk or clay
  • Ice
  • Paint chips
  • Soil
  • Laundry detergent
  • Sponges
  • Toothpaste

If you develop a craving for any type of non-food item, be sure to call your OB/GYN. Consuming these items can lead to pica, an eating disorder in children and pregnant women. Pica can cause digestive and nutritional problems and may wreak havoc on your diet.

Some studies have correlated cravings for non-food items to anemia and other mineral deficiencies. Your doctor will be able to make sure that you’re receiving all the vitamins and minerals you need.

They may suggest supplements or dietary changes to correct any deficiencies. Your healthcare provider can also provide support and suggestions to help manage your cravings.

One other thing: Talk to your obstetrician before making any decisions about supplements on your own. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing when it comes to certain vitamins and herbs, especially while preggo. Your OB/GYN will know the best way to treat deficiencies without going overboard.

What if I Develop a Food Aversion?

Instead of the grocery aisle, picture yourself in the kitchen, frying up some pancakes for your favorite breakfast skillet. Imagine your shock when the smell of flapjacks makes you gag. You clap a hand over your mouth and sprint to the bathroom. Is it morning sickness or a newfound food aversion? (Maybe it’s both! Being pregnant is so fun, isn’t it?)

Like pregnancy cravings, a sudden food aversion can feel alarming, but in fact, they are fairly normal. You may develop an aversion to seemingly random foods or foods you previously loved. If you’re looking for someone to blame, it might be your hormones. Pregnancy hormones can influence your sense of smell, making those deviled eggs you used to love the devil himself.

Food aversions typically develop during the early pregnancy but can come on at any time during pregnancy. In rare cases, they may persist into the postpartum period. Take it easy on yourself and chill until your body is back on board with your fav oat milk chia seed power smoothie.

How Can I Stay Healthy While Experiencing Pregnancy Cravings?

We all know how important a healthy diet is during pregnancy. Caving into your cravings and filling your diet with carbs and sugary snacks can lead to complications like nutritional deficiencies.

As with maintaining a healthy diet anytime, moderation is key. For example, we love partying at that all-nighter wedding/gala/party any day of the week, except probs not the night before a big work presentation.

Managing your pregnancy cravings is as possible as managing that nosy coworker who keeps trying to touch your belly without asking. Here are a few strategies that may help:

Meal Prepping

Preppy outfits? Fun. Meal prepping? …Kinda fun. Maybe.

Meal prepping gives the power of a checklist — the girl boss with a plan. Cooking might not be your hobby of choice while preggers, especially if you’re fighting annoying swelling in your feet. However, when you meal prep, you only have to lean next to your stove once a week. Life hack alert!

Meal prepping can take a lot of stress out of your week (and that is always a gift). So, when 7:30 PM rolls around, and you realize you forgot to cook dinner in the midst of planning an award-winning baby shower, you’re all good.

Dinner is in the fridge. Preheat the oven and toss the food in. It’s time to get back to choosing your shower color scheme. 

Substitute Healthier Options

Sometimes the ice cream craving is just too strong to resist. Rather than ignoring it altogether, try fulfilling your craving with something a tab healthier. For instance, try snacking on some antioxidant-rich dark chocolate. Instead of fulfilling your red meat craving with a burger every night, throw some turkey or tofu into the mix.

Generally, variety in your diet is a good way to prevent nutritional deficiencies and counteract any unhealthy foods you may be craving with the nutrition you and your growing baby need.

That being said, if you want a scoop of cookies and cream — go for it. This is the time to be kind (which is all the time, always, actually).

Ask for Support When You Need It

Pregnancy is an incredibly special experience, but it can be isolating, especially when your friends and partner aren’t going through the same things as you. You may be tempted to try and handle all of the ups and downs on your own.

Think again, mama. This is a time to lean on your loved ones for help; ask them to help you prep some meals or wash the dishes. They can get their hands dirty and bask in your glow as you share some gossip from your yoga pregnancy class.

Don’t forget that your obstetrician is a great resource to rely on, too. OB/GYNs are supposed to be there for not just the birth but every step along the way of your pregnancy. They will likely have amazing advice and can help you develop a game plan for anything and everything.

No Shame in This Game: Be Kind to Yourself

We’re all human, and it’s okay to cave to those cravings every now and then. We’re so over the archetype of the long-suffering mom; moms deserve all the love and gentleness too!

You aren’t going to harm your baby just because you have an ice cream sundae or an entire jar of pickles (or both) after dinner. And it’s important not to shame yourself for going through a totally normal pregnancy experience.

Unusual food cravings during pregnancy may feel alarming, but they are often considered a hallmark of pregnancy. Think of your newfound pickle addiction as a badge of honor: Congratulations; you’re growing a human!
