As we start to surround ourselves with all things “holiday,” we wanted to take a time-out to honor a few mamas in our community who are doing incredible things for others, while also holding it down at home. From relieving the humanitarian crisis on our own soil to encouraging people to get out and vote, to offering diapers and doula services for those in at-risk communities, these women are changing the vision of what it means to give back and rallying others to do the same. We honor them today, and always.

Zoe Winkler Reinis
This is About Humanity
“I believe this is not a political issue, but a human rights issue….Every single person we saw at the detention center has left the comfort of their home because they’re afraid for their lives. No one chooses to walk for three months and be homeless unless you’re desperate for change and a better life.”

Mandana Dayani
I Am A Voter
“Between social media, household conversations, and what is happening on the streets, it seems kids are more exposed to what is happening politically than we were as kids. Therefore, it’s our responsibility to educate them to use their voices and advocate for what they want both for themselves and others.”

Juliet Fuisz
Welcome Baby
“While it’s a critical and difficult time for all moms, I am mostly concerned with pregnant women and new moms who have lost their income and don’t know how they will afford the next pack of diapers. I’m concerned with the moms who are scared to leave the house for fear of being exposed to Covid or putting their infants in harm’s way. I’m worried about many of the women we serve who don’t have credit cards and cannot safely order items online.”