Down to earth, bright, and very real, Brooklyn Decker is a hyper-mobile powerhouse. The self-proclaimed actress, that’s “moonlighting” as a tech entrepreneur and co-founder of Finery— a platform that catalogs your online buys and manages your closet — is living in Austin, but always on a plane between LA and NYC. With her two careers, a toddler, and a baby, Brooklyn is never not in motion. On a recent trip to NYC, I caught up with her to chat about what she’s learned in business, why most women will spend more on clothes than education in their lifetime, plus babies, breastfeeding, and her bicoastal company. @brooklyndecker
Current state of mind?
Harried. Frazzled. My 6 month old doesn’t sleep at night — I might possibly be losing my mind, but otherwise in total bliss.
Eating habits?
I’m not one to deny myself of much, so I’ve always been a big proponent of everything in moderation. I’m a grazer — I eat small meals all day long. (Thank you, breastfeeding!)

Wellness routine?
Truthfully, there isn’t much of a routine these days! Between having a toddler, a 6 month old, and a third baby (Finery) I really don’t have the time. I’m currently on a workcation and did a little day trip to Sequoia National Park yesterday — embarrassingly enough, that hike was my first workout since having my daughter, Stevie. I’m 31 so I’m starting to research facials, anti-aging routines, etc.. I just haven’t committed to anything yet.
Exercise routine?
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Exercise? hahahahahahha. That’s hilarious.
On body and boobs:
I used to have a very large boobs, but after breastfeeding my son for a long while, and now nursing Stevie, all the life has been fully sucked out of them. I’m thrilled about it! I was never a fan of my chest – so droopier, smaller boobs make me very happy. These days, my body is in limbo and all about function – it’s used for carry children and all the stuff that comes along with them.
On women supporting women:
We need to vote with our dollar. Buy products created by women, support businesses started by women, see movies directed by women. Obviously I’m biased here, but that includes our technology. Are we using tech built by women, for women? The only way to start seeing solutions for the pain points in our lives is to build them ourselves- or support those who do. The more we support each other, the more opportunities will be created for other women down the road.
On Finery and what’s next:
I’m an actor, and I moonlight as a tech entrepreneur. We have iTunes for music, netflix for our entertainment, online banking for our finances, what do we have for our clothing? Nada. Women will spend more money on their clothes than their education (yes, shocking) and there’s nothing out there to help us maximize the stuff we have. We all crave order organization with our stuff – Finally Finery does that for you. We did a big raise in December (when I was 8 months pregnant!) and we just finished a huge redesign. We optimized our UI/UX, and added some much needed features to our product.
On taking maternity leave as an integral part of Finery?
I didn’t take maternity leave, but that was my choice. I don’t go into the office every day (our team is based in NYC) but I’m always a ping away. This is what’s cool about having a female run company, as we all understand the complexities of life. Yes, we’re a tech company, and yes, we’re working around the clock. But, we all support the need for each other to check out on occasion. We cover if someone has a family vacation, or an anniversary, or a sick kid. There’s a level of empathy and understanding that makes it a dreamy situation for a mom. I’ve taken many conference calls with a baby attached to my boob and everyone just gets it.
Learned in business?
So. So much. The acronyms. Dear God, the acronyms. Also– if you don’t have the answer for something, just ask. People love to help.
A bit of advice…
I’m still learning and there’s still plenty of time for me to mess it up, but my mom gave me some great advice which I try to live by: Your children just need to know you love them unconditionally. That’s your main job. That was very simple and liberating for me. I can be messing up dinner, tummy time, milestones, etc. but as long as they know I love them, it’s all okay.