pregnant woman laying with small childpregnant woman laying with small child

Pregnancy Emotions: mood swings and mommy brain

By Babe

You expected morning sickness and back pain during pregnancy, but mood swings and mommy brain? One second you feel cool/calm/collected, and the next, you’re about to burst into tears. It’s enough to make anyone feel crazy, but it’s completely normal for pregnant women leading up to their due dates. 

We focus so much on the physical changes happening during pregnancy that we often forget to prepare for the mental health and emotional changes, too. If you’re feeling blindsided by moodiness and emotional ups and downs, keep reading.

We’ve rounded up the answers to your top questions about healthy pregnancy emotions below.

What Is Mommy Brain?

If this is your first pregnancy, prepare for all the joys of mommy brain: forgetting your keys, appointments, and phone numbers you previously had memorized are all common symptoms of the brain fog that sets in at some point during pregnancy. (It’s temporary, we promise!) 

While scientists aren’t exactly sure why this happens, many studies have shown that cognitive function tends to decline during pregnancy, leading to higher levels of forgetfulness, brain fog, and decreased mood regulation.

In other words: if you find yourself spending 20 minutes looking for the sunglasses that are perched on top of your head, don’t blame yourself: Blame your growing little one for the fluctuations in your memory!

One theory for why this happens is that it helps us prepare for the big changes and sleep deprivation-induced forgetfulness of welcoming a new baby. Another theory posits that during pregnancy, your brain prunes certain neural pathways to make room for new ones that allow you to bond with your baby and fully prepare for motherhood. The result? Classic brain fog. 

Whatever the cause, mommy brain is as routine a part of pregnancy as shopping for dresses that actually fit your supersized tummy. If you find yourself suddenly forgetful about everything, take a deep breath: It just means your body is doing the important work of preparing for baby.

How To Cope With Mommy Brain

Experiencing mommy brain for the first time can be a stressful experience and might make you feel like you’re losing your mind. Remember that brain fog and forgetfulness are a completely normal part of pregnancy and early motherhood and definitely not your fault.

One of the best ways to manage the crazy experience of pregnancy brain is by relying on your support system to help you get through it. If you live with your partner or another loved one, don’t be afraid to ask them for help looking for lost items or remembering important dates and appointments. 

You can set reminders in your phone for all of those details that tend to slip through the cracks during pregnancy. From taking your prenatal vitamins to calling your mother-in-law on her birthday, there’s an app for that. Use your Notes app or sticky notes around the house to remind yourself of things — is the coffee pot off, and your flat iron unplugged? 

Details that you might typically be on top of can be easily forgotten during pregnancy or early motherhood. Leaving notes for yourself as reminders is a small habit that can make a huge difference during this time.

Beyond that, pop-up reminders can help us practice self-care. Perhaps you have an alert to recite some positive affirmations or do your skincare routine before crawling into bed after a long day of being fabulous. 

During pregnancy, you need all the boost you can get. So, whether that means using your support system to get through mommy brain or simply being extra kind to yourself, we’re here for it.

What About Mood Swings?

Mommy brain isn’t the only way pregnancy affects your mental functioning. You might find yourself snapping at your bestie or on the verge of tears, way more than usual. Again, this is a standard part of pregnancy for the most part. 

During pregnancy, your hormones are basically running the show. Hormonal changes are responsible for pregnancy symptoms like weird food cravings and heartburn. Those pregnancy hormones are also responsible for your mood swinging like a pendulum. 

The flood of pregnancy hormones like progesterone and estrogen that characterizes your first trimester can cause unexpected mental health problems, such as anxiety, irritability, or sadness. You might feel like you’re back in seventh grade again during this early stage of pregnancy, getting your period for the first time and being totally confused by your emotions and changing body.

These body changes can be overwhelming, and it’s important to take care of your mental wellness and physical health and find good strategies to help you (and your family members) manage your roller coaster of feelings. 

The Role of Sleep

It’s no secret that sleep can be in short supply during early motherhood and even during pregnancy as well. Sleep deprivation can play a huge role in making you more forgetful or moody and can contribute to overall stress and anxiety during pregnancy. 

If you find yourself constantly longing for more shut-eye, there are a few tricks to get your sleep schedule back on track. Implementing a relaxing bedtime routine, such as doing a face mask, taking a bath, or reading in bed, can help you unwind and get higher-quality sleep

Going to bed and waking up at the same time consistently each day can help you fall asleep quicker (and stay asleep for longer!). Try using an eye mask or blackout curtains to make your room extra dark and sleepy, and consider leaving your phone in another room before bed to stop the addicting scroll and reduce your blue light exposure before going to sleep.

Being sleep-deprived can make the standard mood swings and anxiety of pregnancy that much worse. Practicing self-care and a good bedtime routine might be exactly what you need to help get your mood under control!

How Can I Deal With Pregnancy Mood Swings?

Many self-care habits can help you stay calm and manage your emotions and change hormone levels, even when discovering that your ice cream container in the freezer is empty makes you want to fly into a rage. Expressing your feelings as they arise can often help manage them, so perhaps keeping a journal to jot your thoughts and feelings down is the strategy for you. 

Many women find calm and stress relief in pregnancy-safe exercises, such as prenatal yoga, swimming, or long walks. The endorphins released by exercise can give you an instant mood boost, and studies have shown that regular exercise helps regulate your mood and manage volatile emotions.

Meditation has also been shown to improve stress and anxiety and might help you find some peace amidst crazy pregnancy moods. Try practicing just five minutes of meditation in the morning immediately after you wake up or right before you go to bed. With a bit of practice (and some luck), you might find yourself less inclined to burst into tears at every sad puppy commercial.

When To Expect Mood Swings and Mommy Brain

If you’ve never been pregnant before and don’t know quite what to expect, you might be wondering when your mood swings and forgetfulness will kick in. While every woman experiences pregnancy differently, your body starts ramping up hormone production almost as soon as you get pregnant, and bouncing from irritated to weepy to exhilarated can be one of the first signs that you’re pregnant.

Similarly, mommy brain and brain fog can strike as early as the first trimester, although this definitely varies from woman to woman. Some women experience forgetfulness nearly their entire first, second, and third trimesters, while others don’t find it really sets in until after delivery! 

While your mood swings will likely chill out when your hormones return to baseline after delivery, mommy brain can stick around for as long as two years post-birth. It certainly isn’t the best news, but at least you’re in good company! Lots of moms experience this, especially since symptoms of sleep deprivation are characteristic of being a new parent. 

At the end of the day, your pregnancy journey will be unique to you — and whatever that experience looks like is 100% okay.

A Word From Us Here at Hatch

Pregnancy is simultaneously one of the most magical and most nerve-wracking times of your life. Your body is going through crazy physical changes, and when your mind and mood start going haywire, it can be super overwhelming. Trust us, we get it — and we also know that you’ll get through this time with all the style and sass you can muster. 

So if you find yourself bursting into tears because you ran out of pickles or misplacing your keys every single day, take a deep breath, and remember: you got this. And don’t be afraid to rely on your support system to get through this special time. At HATCH, we’ll be cheering for you the whole way!
