As the founder and principal of Sarah Solis Design Studio, Sarah Solis is all about beautiful design that’s comfortable, personal, and evokes familiarity and emotion. It’s fair to assume, then, that the home she created in Malibu for her two young children Lucien and Josephine, and husband, photographer Rennie Solis exudes the same effortless vibe as her interiors philosophy.
When she’s not creating the perfect home experiences for her legions of clients, Solis can be found playing tennis, driving her kids to school, and dreaming up her next big project. Here’s how she gets it done.

At right: Sarah Solis

6:00 am: I like to start my mornings slow. I have some water and then exercise on my Peloton tread, followed by meditation.
7:00 am: It’s already time to head out the door with Lucien and Josie with a big French peppermint tea with Malibu Honey in hand. I love driving my kids to school, and our time in the car together is pretty special. I’m their captive audience for the entire drive – they share things, they argue – it’s an opportunity to get more to know about their lives.
8:30 am: Once I arrive at the office, my first order of business is to go through emails and meet with my team. I timeblock my day per project or per designer that I need to meet with. I like to use my morning to establish, prepare, and organize for the day. We’re dreaming up ideas and figuring out how to bring them to life.
11:00 am: I have a working lunch and order my favorite salad from Health Nut. Their Chinese Chicken salad is my go-to!
12:30 pm: I usually have one site-meeting per-day. Today I’m visiting our project in Santa Monica to approve a few installation details. I always want to be available for approvals, any challenges, or client meetings.
3:30 pm: I’m headed back to the office to tie up loose ends and prepare for the next day. After everything is wrapped up, I’ll make my way home to hang out with the kids and go over their school day.
5:00 pm: We like to make the most of this late afternoon time before we get into their homework together. Today we took the golf cart down to the beach to explore the tidepools along the shore. Other days we might just walk the dogs, play tennis at home, or get in a few rounds of Uno.
7:00 pm: We love making dinner as a family or baking something special together. My little one Josie is 7 and really into pasta. Lucien is 12 and loves the air fryer right now.
8:00 pm: I go through Josie’s bedtime routine with her. We get her washed up and read a few stories before saying goodnight. Once she’s settled in, my son and I will hang out like pals and watch a show together.
10:00 pm: Once the kids are down, I unwind and start all over again!